CRA Tracked Bills as of February 6, 2025 - Updated Weekly
The Connecticut Restaurant Association actively monitors a wide range of legislation throughout each legislative session. During the first weeks of the 2025 Legislative Session, several bills of interest were introduced. It's important to note that the introduction of a bill does not guarantee its passage.
To give you a sense of the breadth and variety of legislation we are tracking, here are just a few of the bills currently on our radar. Should any of these bills progress through the legislative process, we will provide timely updates and additional information to keep you informed. A reminder, the introduction of a bill does not guarantee its passage, and we will provide updates as needed.
If you would like additional information on any given bill, then please click the following link to the Connecticut General Assembly (CGA) website: At the bottom of the CGA page you will see a pop-up titled "Quick Bill Search", and a blank space in which a bill number can be typed. Once you have typed in your bill number of interest click go, then you will be presented with the most current information regarding your bill of interest!
Key: JC means Joint Committee
HB 5014 - An Act Adding Oyster Shells to the State's List of Recyclable Materials
To provide for the recycling and reuse of oyster shells as a means to send more Connecticut oyster beds. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/8)
HB 5020 - An Act Concerning The Processing Of Rabbits For Consumption By Local Consumers And Retail Food Establishments.
To provide for the in-state processing of rabbits for local consumers and retail food establishments. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/8)
HB 5082 - An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store.
To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/10)
HB 5095 - An Act Concerning Inspections By The Labor Department.
To require the Labor Department to increase certain investigations. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/10)
HB 5133 - An Act Concerning Municipal Food Scrap Recycling Programs.
To establish a grant program to assist towns with diverting food scraps from the waste stream. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/14)
HB 5134 - An Act Concerning The Commissioner Of Agriculture's Responsibilities For Rabbit Processing In The State.
To provide a way for rabbits to be processed in the state for consumption by consumers and retail food establishments. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/14)
HB 5155 - An Act Dedicating The Sales And Use Taxes Revenue Generated From Alcohol Sales To Certain Purposes.
To dedicate all sales and use taxes revenue generated from the sale, acceptance or receipt in this state of alcohol to rehabilitation and treatment programs, drunk driving prevention efforts and the establishment of a recovery school. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/14)
HB 5160 - An Act Concerning Connecticut Craft Cafe Liquor Permittees.
To enable Connecticut craft cafe permittees to apply to expand their permit premises to include premises with separate addresses. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/14)
HB 5164 - An Act Requiring Business Entities To Provide Itemized Receipts To Certain Consumers.
To require business entities to, upon request, provide itemized receipts to certain consumers. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/14)
HB 5166 - An Act Prohibiting Cannabis Consumption At Locations Where Tobacco Use Is Prohibited.
To prohibit cannabis consumption at locations where tobacco use is prohibited. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/14)
HB 5167 - An Act Prohibiting Cannabis Consumption At Locations Where Alcohol Consumption Is Prohibited.
To prohibit cannabis consumption at locations where alcohol consumption is prohibited. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/14)
HB 5183 - An Act Concerning Legal Liability For Agricultural Operations That Are Engaged In Agritourism.
To limit the liability of agricultural operators engaged in agritourism in the state. Status -
Referred to JC on Judiciary (1/14)
HB 5266 - An Act Establishing Tax Incentives To Encourage Small And Medium-sized Businesses To Hire Locally.
To establish tax credits and wage subsidies to incentivize small and medium-sized businesses to participate in training programs and hire a significant portion of their workforce from the local community. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue, and Bonding (1/15)
HB 5296 - An Act Repealing The Adoption Of The United States Food And Drug Administration's Food Code.
To repeal the adoption of the United States Food and Drug Administration's Food Code. Status - Referred to JC on Public Health (1/15)
HB 5316 - An Act Authorizing Local Butcher Shops To Process Farmer-owned Usda And Inspected Meat Products.
An act authorizing local butcher shops to process farmer-owned USDA and inspected meat products. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/16)
HB 5361 - An Act Concerning The Source Of The Fruit Used By Farm Winery Permittees To Manufacture Wine.
To provide that not less than twenty per cent of the fruit used by a farm winery permittee to manufacture wine shall be grown in Connecticut. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/16)
HB 5407 - An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store.
To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/17)
HB 5410 - An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store.
To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/17)
HB 5416 - An Act Concerning The Regulation And Taxation Of Short-term Rental Properties And The Dedication Of A Portion Of The Room Occupancy Tax From Such Rentals.
To (1) establish a state-wide short-term rentals registry and registration fee, (2) specify safety standards for such rentals and liability insurance requirements for the owners of such rentals, (3) dedicate fifty per cent of the room occupancy tax received by the state from such rentals to Proposed Bill No. 5416 LCO No. 1988 2 of 2 municipalities and twenty-five per cent of such revenue to the Tourism Fund, and (4) authorize municipalities to impose a supplemental room occupancy tax. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/17)
HB 5452 - An Act Requiring The Implementation Of A Reciprocal Food Truck Vendor Permit Or License.
To allow for more efficiency for food truck vendors by reducing paperwork and saving costs associated with obtaining a permit or license from every municipality in which a food truck vendor seeks to operate. Status - Referred to JC on Public Health (1/17)
HB 5455 - An Act Prohibiting Food Service Establishments From Selling Food Prepared With Frying Oils Containing Artificial Trans Fats.
To prohibit the sale of any food containing artificial trans fats by food service establishments. Status - Referred to JC on Public Health (1/17)
HB 5480 - An Act Eliminating The Use Of Incineration For Solid Waste Processing
To eliminate the use of incineration for solid waste processing and utilize new technologies that create jobs and reduce municipal costs. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/17)
HB 5548 - An Act Concerning The Sales and Use Taxes Imposed on Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer or Grocery Store
To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
HB 5553 - An Act Reducing the Rate of The Sales And Use Taxes
To reduce the rate of the sales and use taxes to six per cent. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
HB 5558 - An Act Concerning Mandatory Fees Charged in Connection With Consumer Goods and Services
To provide for greater transparency concerning mandatory fees charged in connection with consumer goods and services. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/21)
HB 5560 - An Act Prohibiting Certain Conduct Concerning Review of Consumer Goods And Services
To prohibit certain conduct concerning review of consumer goods and services. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/21)
HB 5566 - An Act Authorizing The Distillation Of Limited Quantities of Spirits For Personal Use
To authorize an individual to distill limited quantities of spirits for personal use. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/21)
HB 5620 - An Act Requiring The Implementation Of A Reciprocal Food Truck Vendor Permit Of License
To implement reciprocal permitting or licensing of food truck vendors that allows such vendors to operate in all municipalities in the state. Status - Referred to JC on Public Health (1/21)
HB 5626 - An Act Eliminating The Requirement That Food Protection Managers At Class 2 Food Establishments Pass A Test As Part Of A Food Protection Manager Certification Program.
To eliminate the requirement that food protection managers at class 2 food establishments satisfactorily pass a test as part of a food protection manager certification program. Status - Referred to JC on Public Health (1/21)
HB 5692 - An Act Concerning The Consumption Of Cannabis In A Motor Vehicle.
To treat the use of cannabis in a motor vehicle in the same manner as the use of alcohol in a motor vehicle is treated. Status - Referred to JC on Judiciary (1/21)
HB 5700 - An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store.
To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
HB 5703 - An Act Adjusting The Annual Increase To The Minimum Wage.
To adjust the annual increase to the minimum wage according to the percentage change in the employment cost index or not more than ten cents per hour, whichever is lower. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)
HB 5724 - An Act Concerning Medicaid Coverage For Allergy Prevention.
To invest in food allergy prevention to reduce the long-term health care costs to the state, families and the health care system for treatment of and recovery from food allergies. Status - Referred to JC on Human Services (1/21)
HB 5728 - An Act Establishing A Personal Income Tax Deduction For Tips Or Gratuities.
To establish a personal income tax deduction for the amount of tips or gratuities declared by a taxpayer for the taxable year. Status - Referred to JC on Finance Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
HB 5744 - An Act Prohibiting Mandatory Card-on-file And Automatic Payment Agreements For Consumer Goods And Services.
To prohibit mandatory card-on-file and automatic payment agreements for consumer goods and services. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/21)
HB 5754 - An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store Located In Certain Municipalities.
To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by eating establishments, caterers or grocery stores that are located in municipalities with a population of more than one hundred thousand. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
HB 5761 - An Act Eliminating The Subminimum Wage.
To eliminate the subminimum wage in the state. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)
HB 5773 - An Act Establishing A Single-payer Health Care Program In Connecticut.
To allow the state to establish a single-payer health care program that shall allow the state to negotiate health insurance coverage for any nonprofit, municipal employee and business having not more than ten employees. Status - Referred to JC on Insurance and Real Estate (1/21)
HB 5783 - An Act Authorizing Sales Of Connecticut Wines In Grocery Stores.
To authorize grocery store beer permittees to sell Connecticut wines. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/21)
HB 5793 - An Act Concerning The Reporting Of Newly Hired Employees To The Labor Department.
To streamline administrative reporting for employers who employ seasonal employees. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)
HB 5794 - An Act Concerning The Amount Of Wages An Employer Must Pay To Be Subject To The Provisions Of The Unemployment Compensation Act.
To lower operating costs for small businesses in the state by adjusting the amount of wages an employer must pay in order to be subject to the provisions of the Unemployment Compensation Act. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)
HB 5852 - An Act Concerning Farm To School And Enhancements To The Local Food For Schools Incentive Program.
To clarify agency roles and provide funds for the CT Grown for CT Kids Grant Program and administration of the local food for schools incentive program. Status - Referred to JC on Education (1/22)
HB 5864 - An Act Concerning Safe And Healthy School Meals.
To require more school meal options for students with broader allergies and autoimmune diseases to address current nutritional gaps. Status - Referred to JC on Education (1/22)
HB 5869 - An Act Prohibiting Food Products In School Cafeterias That Contain Certain Dyes And Colorants.
To prohibit public schools from offering food products that contain certain dyes and colorants. Status - Referred to JC on Education (1/22)
HB 5900 - An Act Prohibiting The Cultivation Of Octopus For Human Consumption And The Use Of Octopus For Entertainment Purposes.
To prohibit the farming of octopus for human consumption and the use of octopus for entertainment purposes. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/22)
HB 5907 - An Act Prohibiting The Application Of Pesticides To Organic Foods.
To prohibit the application of pesticides to organic foods. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/22)
HB 5914 - An Act Repealing The Prohibition On Single-use Plastic Bags And Prohibiting The Use Of PFAS In Paper Straws.
To repeal the single-use plastic bag ban and prohibit the use of PFAS in paper straws. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/22)
HB 5917 - An Act Requiring The Recycling Of Food Scraps And The Development Of Food Donation Plans By Certain Commercial Food Wholesalers, Distributors, Supermarkets, Institutions, Resorts And Conference Centers.
To provide for the diversion of food scraps and surplus foods from the solid waste stream. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/22)
HB 5964 - An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store.
To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
HB 5967 - An Act Dedicating A Portion Of The Revenue Generated From Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store To Certain Purposes.
To require a percentage of the revenue generated from the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store to be used for certain purposes. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
HB 5972 - An Act Concerning Taxpayers With Declared Tip Income Over A Certain Threshold.
To require taxpayers who file a return with declared tip income over one hundred thousand dollars to register with the Department of Revenue Services and require such taxpayers, if the federal government excludes tips as taxable wages or implements a reduced income tax rate on tips, to pay to the state the amount of tax forgiven by the federal government. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
HB 5975 - An Act Establishing A Personal Income Tax Deduction For Tips Or Gratuities.
To establish a personal income tax deduction for the amount of tips or gratuities declared by a taxpayer for the taxable year. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
HB 5990 - An Act Concerning Interchange Fees On Electronic Payment Transactions.
To prohibit payment card networks from including sales and use taxes in the amount on which interchange fees are imposed. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
HB 5994 - An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store.
To provide that the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store be distributed to the municipalities in which the revenue was generated. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
HB 5997 - An Act Authorizing Bonds Of The State For A Culinary Arts Center At Robert E. Fitch High School In The Town Of Groton.
To provide funding for a culinary arts center at Robert E. Fitch High School in the town of Groton. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
HB 6056 - An Act Concerning The Establishment Of Cannabis Cafes And Restaurants Offering Cannabis-infused Food Items, Beverages And Other Products.
To permit the establishment of cannabis cafes and restaurants offering cannabis-infused food items, beverages and other products. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/22)
HB 6057 - An Act Concerning Credit Card Fees And Surcharges.
To authorize businesses to require consumers to bear the cost of credit card fees and surcharges. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/22)
HB 6059 - An Act Concerning Alcoholic Liquor Permits And Tobacco Bars.
To (1) reduce the minimum municipal population requirement for tobacco bars from eighty thousand to forty thousand, and (2) reduce the square footage requirements applicable to tobacco bars by fifty per cent. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/22)
HB 6063 - An Act Authorizing Businesses To Charge Consumers For The Actual Cost Of Credit Card Fees.
To allow businesses to charge consumers for the actual amount of credit card fees charged to businesses for purchases made by consumers. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/22)
HB 6089 - An Act Reducing Barriers To Food Security.
To enhance access to nutritious food, support local economies and reduce barriers to food security in Connecticut. Status - Referred to to JC on Human Services (1/22)
HB 6148 - An Act Allowing Nonprofits To Participate In Association Health Plans.
To allow nonprofits to participate in association health plans. Status - Referred to JC on Insurance and Real Estate (1/22)
HB 6149 - An Act Concerning Credit Card Skimming.
To protect consumers from identity theft associated with credit card skimming. Status - Referred to JC on Judiciary (1/22)
HB 6214 - An Act Authorizing Butcher Shops To Process Farmer-owned And Usda-inspected Livestock.
To address the backlog of processing farmer livestock. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/23)
HB 6225 - An Act Establishing Extended Producer Responsibility For Packaging Products.
To establish extended producer responsibility for packaging products. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/23)
HB 6229 - An Act Concerning A Reduction Of Single-use Plastics And Polystyrene Waste.
To reduce the production of single-use plastics and polystyrene waste in the state. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/23)
HB 6230 - An Act Concerning The Ct Grown For Ct Kids Program.
To expand the CT Grown for CT Kids farm-to-school program. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/23)
HB 6246 - An Act Requiring The Recycling Of Food Waste.
To create a market for food waste and reduce costs associated with sending food waste out of state for landfilling. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/23)
HB 6262 - An Act Requiring Reverse Vending Machines To Accept All Refund-eligible Beverage Containers.
To encourage and increase beverage container redemption rates by providing convenience for consumers. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/23)
HB 6316 - An Act Establishing A Fee On Retail Delivery Service To Fund Bus Public Transportation Fare Reductions.
To establish a fee on certain retail deliveries and dedicate the revenue from such fee to reducing the fare for bus public transportation. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/23)
HB 6404 - An Act Increasing The Number Of Wage And Hour Investigators At The Labor Department.
To increase the number of wage and hour investigators employed at the Labor Department. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/23)
HB 6416 - An Act Concerning The Minimum Wage Rate For Persons Under The Age Of Eighteen Years.
To reduce the minimum wage rate for persons under the age of eighteen years and eliminate the ninety-day limitation of such minimum wage rate. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/23)
HB 6460 - An Act Concerning Interchange Fees On Electronic Payment Transactions.
To prohibit payment card networks from including sales and use taxes in the amount on which interchange fees are imposed. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/24)
HB 6482 - An Act Prohibiting Liquor Sales In Retailers That Sell Food Or Candy.
To provide that no retailer that sells food or candy shall be permitted to sell alcoholic liquor. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/24)
HB 6483 - An Act Prohibiting Sales Of Certain Processed Food Products.
To provide that no retailer shall sell any processed food product in this state if retail sales of such processed food product are prohibited in Canada or the European Union. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/24)
HB 6485 - An Act Requiring Digital Age Verification By Package Store Permittees.
To provide that a package store permittee shall digitally verify any identification presented by a consumer in order to ensure that such consumer is twenty-one years of age or older. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/24)
HB 6493 - An Act Requiring Owners Of Short-term Rentals To Register In A State-Wide Registry And Pay A Tax On Units That Are Not Owner-occupied.
To require the owner of a short-term rental unit to register in a state-wide registry and pay a tax on such units that are not owner-occupied. Status - Referred to JC on Housing (1/24)
HB 6517 - An Act Concerning Disclosures Of Salary Ranges On Public And Internal Job Postings.
To amend current law on salary transparency by requiring employers to disclose salary ranges on public and internal job postings. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/24)
HB 6518 - An Act Concerning Employers' Chargeability For Unemployment Benefits.
To make only an employee's most recent employer chargeable for unemployment benefit payments. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/24)
HB 6519 - An Act Reducing The Employee Contribution For The Paid Family And Medical Leave Insurance Program.
To reduce the percentage of an employee's subject earnings an employee must contribute to the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Trust Fund. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/24)
HB 6658 - An Act Concerning The Requirement That Food Service Establishments Utilize A Carbon Dioxide Alarm.
To eliminate the requirement that a food service establishment utilize a carbon dioxide alarm. Status - Referred to JC on Public Safety and Security (1/24)
HB 6781 - An Act Concerning A Study of Ground Floor Commercial Property Vacancies.
To require the Department of Economic and Community Development to conduct a study and make recommendations regarding ground floor commercial property vacancies in the state, including, but not limited to ways to fill such vacant properties with retail stores, restaurants and small businesses that reflect community diversity. Status - Referred to JC on Commerce (1/29)
HB 6785 - An Act Establishing A Revolving Loan Fund To Assist In Developing Commercial Storefronts.
To establish a revolving loan fund to assist in developing commercial storefronts. Status - Referred to JC on Commerce (1/29
HB 6808 - An Act Prohibiting Certain Food Additives.
To prohibit certain food additives. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/29)
HB 6820 - An Act Concerning Per Diem Employees.
To require certain per diem employees receive the same rate of pay as other part-time and full-time employees. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/29)
HB 6843 - An Act Concerning The Number of Wage And Hour Investigators At The Labor Department.
To increase the number of wage and hour investigators employed by the Labor Department. Status - LAB Public Hearing: Thu 2/6 10:00 AM @ Room 2B and Zoom and Youtube Live (1/31)
SB 2: An Act Concerning Artificial Intelligence
To protect consumers in this state from the risks of algorithmic discrimination and unfair treatment posed by artificial intelligence. Status - Vote to Draft (1/22)
SB 8: An Act Concerning Protections For Workers And Enhancements To Workers' Rights
To protect workers' rights. Status - Vote to Draft (1/14)
SB 23: An Act Concerning Funding For The Greater Mystic Chamber Of Commerce
To fund the Chamber of Commerce in Mystic. Status - Referred to JC on Appropriations (1/8)
SB 109: An Act Dedicating The Additional Sales Tax On Meals To Certain Purposes
To dedicate the revenue generated from the additional one per cent of sales tax on meals to the Tourism Fund, to the municipalities to which the purchases of the meals are sourced and to initiatives to address food insecurity in the state. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue, and Bonding (1/8)
SB 147: An Act Prohibiting The Manufacture, Distribution, Delivery Or Sale Of Foods Containing Certain Additives.
To prohibit the manufacture, distribution, delivery or sale of foods containing certain additives. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/8)
SB 154 - An Act Concerning Cottage Food Operations.
To authorize cottage food operations to sell their products at certain farm stores and cafes. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/8)
SB 229: An Act Authorizing Municipalities To Impose Certain Excise Taxes.
To authorize municipalities to impose excise taxes on occupancy, event venue rentals, and meals and beverages. Status - Change of Reference, House to Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
SB 354 - An Act Eliminating Prohibitions On Noncompete Agreements.
To eliminate existing prohibitions on noncompete provisions in private employment contracts. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/9)
SB 356 - An Act Concerning Documentation For The Use Of Paid Sick Leave.
To allow employers to require documentation that an employee's use of paid sick leave is being taken for a permitted purpose. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/9)
SB 359 - An Act Concerning The Employment Of Minors At Least Sixteen Years Of Age In Certain Occupations.
To expand the scope of work that minors sixteen and seventeen years of age can be employed or permitted to work in. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/9)
SB 432 - An Act Concerning Representations Made By Food Service Establishments Regarding The Freshness Of Food Items And Food Ingredients.
To require restaurants and other food service establishments to accurately represent whether food items and food ingredients are "fresh". Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/10)
SB 437 - An Act Prohibiting The Sale Of Food Products Containing Certain Food Additives.
To prohibit the sale of food products containing certain food additives. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/10)
SB 513 - An Act Requiring Grocery Stores To Automatically Apply Digital Coupons For Certain Consumers.
To require grocery stores to automatically apply certain digital coupons on behalf of senior citizens and members of certain loyalty or rewards programs. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/13)
SB 522 - An Act Concerning State Agency Interpretation Of Statutes And The Regulations Authorized And Adopted Under Such Statutes.
To afford proper deference to a state agency's interpretation of an ambiguous statute provided the agency's interpretation of the statute is reasonable. Status - Referred to JC on Judiciary (1/13)
SB 623 - An Act Eliminating The Requirement That Employers Provide Paid Sick Leave In The Event Of Closure By Order Of A Public Official.
To eliminate the requirement that employers provide paid sick leave to employees in the event of closure by order of a public official. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/15)
SB 625 - An Act Defining "day" For Purposes Of The Paid Sick Leave Statutes.
To define "day" as eight hours worked by an employee for purposes of the paid sick leave statutes. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/15)
SB 651 - An Act Exempting Overtime Income From The Personal Income Tax.
To exempt from the personal income tax the amount of any overtime income earned by an employee. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/16)
SB 670 - An Act Requiring The Department Of Consumer Protection To Establish A Single Uniform Business Permit And License Application.
To require the Department of Consumer Protection to establish a single uniform business permit and license application without modifying any fee or cost currently imposed for a business permit, license or any application required therefor. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/16)
SB 739 - An Act Concerning The Distribution Of The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store.
To provide that the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store be distributed to the municipalities in which the revenue was generated. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/17)
SB 789 - An Act Concerning An Optional Payroll Expense Tax.
To establish an optional payroll expense tax. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
SB 793 - An Act Increasing The Dues Tax Exemption Threshold For Club Dues And Initiation Fees.
To increase the dues tax exemption threshold for annual club member dues and club initiation fees from one hundred dollars to two hundred fifty dollars. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
SB 795 - An Act Concerning The Establishment Of And Bonding For A Program To Address Food Insecurity.
To establish and fund a program within the Department of Social Services to address food insecurity. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
SB 828 - An Act Establishing A Working Group To Examine The Workers' Compensation Program.
To provide recommendations to improve the workers' compensation program in the state. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)
SB 829 - An Act Concerning Pre And Post Shift Hours.
To include security screenings required by an employer in the definition of "hours worked" for purposes of chapter 558 of the general statutes. Status - Vote to Draft (1/28)
SB 830 - An Act Establishing Safety Standards To Prevent Heat-related Illness In Workplaces.
To create safety standards to prevent employee exposure to the risk of heat-related illness. Status - Vote to Draft (1/28)
SB 831 - An Act Concerning Advanced Notice Of An Employee's Work Schedule To Certain Employees.
To require employers to provide advance notice to certain employees of such employees' work schedule and work schedule changes and create a cause of action for violations of advance notice requirements. Status - Vote to Draft (1/28)
SB 887 - An Act Exempting Certain Cookware From PFAS Requirements.
To exempt certain cookware from the statutory PFAS requirements applicable to consumer goods. Status - Vote to Draft (1/24)
SB 904 - An Act Reducing The Rate Of The Sales And Use Taxes.
To reduce the rate of the sales and use taxes. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
SB 921 - An Act Imposing A Tax On Sugar-sweetened Beverages And Dedicating The Revenue Generated To Fund School Breakfast And Lunch Programs.
To impose a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages and dedicate the revenue generated from such tax to provide breakfast and lunch at no cost to all students, regardless of family income. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
SB 931 - An Act Dedicating A Portion Of The Revenue Generated From Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store To The Tourism Fund.
To require a percentage of the revenue generated from the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store be deposited in the Tourism Fund to support the hospitality, arts, culture and tourism needs of the state. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
SB 965 - An Act Prohibiting Required Presentation Of Printed Receipts As Proof Of Purchase Of Consumer Goods And Services.
To provide that no person doing business in this state shall require a consumer to present a printed receipt as proof of purchase of any consumer good or service. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/22)
SB 966 - An Act Requiring Hotels And Short-term Rental Operators To Disclose The Total Cost Of Occupancy To Consumers Prior To Purchase.
To require hotel and short-term rental operators to disclose the total cost of occupancy, including all fees imposed for such occupancy, prior to purchase. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/22)
SB 968 - An Act Prohibiting Commercial Activities Involving Food Products That Contain Certain Food Additives.
To prohibit commercial activities involving food products that contain certain food additives. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/22)
SB 1031 - An Act Establishing A Full Employment Trust Fund.
To create a Full Employment Trust Fund to be administered by the Labor Department. Status - Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing (1/28)
SB 1032 - An Act Expanding Paid Family And Medical Leave To All Employees.
To expand the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program to include all employees, including those under collective bargaining agreements. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/22)
SB 1034 - An Act Concerning Employee Exposure To The Risk Of Heat Illness.
To protect workers from exposure to the risk of heat illness. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/22)
SB 1102 - An Act Establishing a Connecticut Diner Trail
To promote diners throughout the state. Status - Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing (1/30)
SB 1113 - An Act Concerning Workforce Development Initiatives In The State.
To study workforce development initiatives in the state. Status - HED Public Hearing: Thu 1/30 10:00 AM @ Room 2A and Zoom and Youtube Live (1/24)
SB 1130 - An Act Concerning Intentional Misrepresentation Of A Dog As A Service Animal To Gain Accommodations.
To uphold the integrity of service animal protections under the ADA, discourage fraudulent behavior and ensure that individuals who rely on trained service animals for disabilities are not hindered or endangered by the misrepresentation of unqualified animals. Status - Referred to JC on Judiciary (1/23)
SB 1149 - An Act Increasing The Penalty For Operating A Motor Vehicle While Under The Influence Of Intoxicating Liquor Or Any Drug.
To increase the penalty for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug. Status - Referred to JC on Transportation (1/23)
SB 1178 - An Act Establishing A Central Internet Web Site For State Resources Available to Small Businesses.
To establish a central Internet web site containing information regarding the state's resources available to small businesses. Status - Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing (1/30)
SB 1223 - An Act Concerning Paid Prenatal Leave.
To require employers to provide twenty hours of paid leave for pregnancy-related health care. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/30)
The introduction of a bill does not guarantee its passage, and we will provide updates as needed. Should any of these bills progress through the legislative process, we will provide timely updates and additional information to keep you informed and notify you if action is required from our members.
The Connecticut Restaurant Association actively monitors a wide range of legislation throughout each legislative session. During the first weeks of the 2025 Legislative Session, several bills of interest were introduced. It's important to note that the introduction of a bill does not guarantee its passage.
To give you a sense of the breadth and variety of legislation we are tracking, here are just a few of the bills currently on our radar. Should any of these bills progress through the legislative process, we will provide timely updates and additional information to keep you informed. A reminder, the introduction of a bill does not guarantee its passage, and we will provide updates as needed.
If you would like additional information on any given bill, then please click the following link to the Connecticut General Assembly (CGA) website: At the bottom of the CGA page you will see a pop-up titled "Quick Bill Search", and a blank space in which a bill number can be typed. Once you have typed in your bill number of interest click go, then you will be presented with the most current information regarding your bill of interest!
Key: JC means Joint Committee
HB 5014 - An Act Adding Oyster Shells to the State's List of Recyclable Materials
To provide for the recycling and reuse of oyster shells as a means to send more Connecticut oyster beds. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/8)
HB 5020 - An Act Concerning The Processing Of Rabbits For Consumption By Local Consumers And Retail Food Establishments.
To provide for the in-state processing of rabbits for local consumers and retail food establishments. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/8)
HB 5082 - An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store.
To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/10)
HB 5095 - An Act Concerning Inspections By The Labor Department.
To require the Labor Department to increase certain investigations. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/10)
HB 5133 - An Act Concerning Municipal Food Scrap Recycling Programs.
To establish a grant program to assist towns with diverting food scraps from the waste stream. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/14)
HB 5134 - An Act Concerning The Commissioner Of Agriculture's Responsibilities For Rabbit Processing In The State.
To provide a way for rabbits to be processed in the state for consumption by consumers and retail food establishments. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/14)
HB 5155 - An Act Dedicating The Sales And Use Taxes Revenue Generated From Alcohol Sales To Certain Purposes.
To dedicate all sales and use taxes revenue generated from the sale, acceptance or receipt in this state of alcohol to rehabilitation and treatment programs, drunk driving prevention efforts and the establishment of a recovery school. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/14)
HB 5160 - An Act Concerning Connecticut Craft Cafe Liquor Permittees.
To enable Connecticut craft cafe permittees to apply to expand their permit premises to include premises with separate addresses. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/14)
HB 5164 - An Act Requiring Business Entities To Provide Itemized Receipts To Certain Consumers.
To require business entities to, upon request, provide itemized receipts to certain consumers. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/14)
HB 5166 - An Act Prohibiting Cannabis Consumption At Locations Where Tobacco Use Is Prohibited.
To prohibit cannabis consumption at locations where tobacco use is prohibited. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/14)
HB 5167 - An Act Prohibiting Cannabis Consumption At Locations Where Alcohol Consumption Is Prohibited.
To prohibit cannabis consumption at locations where alcohol consumption is prohibited. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/14)
HB 5183 - An Act Concerning Legal Liability For Agricultural Operations That Are Engaged In Agritourism.
To limit the liability of agricultural operators engaged in agritourism in the state. Status -
Referred to JC on Judiciary (1/14)
HB 5266 - An Act Establishing Tax Incentives To Encourage Small And Medium-sized Businesses To Hire Locally.
To establish tax credits and wage subsidies to incentivize small and medium-sized businesses to participate in training programs and hire a significant portion of their workforce from the local community. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue, and Bonding (1/15)
HB 5296 - An Act Repealing The Adoption Of The United States Food And Drug Administration's Food Code.
To repeal the adoption of the United States Food and Drug Administration's Food Code. Status - Referred to JC on Public Health (1/15)
HB 5316 - An Act Authorizing Local Butcher Shops To Process Farmer-owned Usda And Inspected Meat Products.
An act authorizing local butcher shops to process farmer-owned USDA and inspected meat products. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/16)
HB 5361 - An Act Concerning The Source Of The Fruit Used By Farm Winery Permittees To Manufacture Wine.
To provide that not less than twenty per cent of the fruit used by a farm winery permittee to manufacture wine shall be grown in Connecticut. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/16)
HB 5407 - An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store.
To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/17)
HB 5410 - An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store.
To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/17)
HB 5416 - An Act Concerning The Regulation And Taxation Of Short-term Rental Properties And The Dedication Of A Portion Of The Room Occupancy Tax From Such Rentals.
To (1) establish a state-wide short-term rentals registry and registration fee, (2) specify safety standards for such rentals and liability insurance requirements for the owners of such rentals, (3) dedicate fifty per cent of the room occupancy tax received by the state from such rentals to Proposed Bill No. 5416 LCO No. 1988 2 of 2 municipalities and twenty-five per cent of such revenue to the Tourism Fund, and (4) authorize municipalities to impose a supplemental room occupancy tax. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/17)
HB 5452 - An Act Requiring The Implementation Of A Reciprocal Food Truck Vendor Permit Or License.
To allow for more efficiency for food truck vendors by reducing paperwork and saving costs associated with obtaining a permit or license from every municipality in which a food truck vendor seeks to operate. Status - Referred to JC on Public Health (1/17)
HB 5455 - An Act Prohibiting Food Service Establishments From Selling Food Prepared With Frying Oils Containing Artificial Trans Fats.
To prohibit the sale of any food containing artificial trans fats by food service establishments. Status - Referred to JC on Public Health (1/17)
HB 5480 - An Act Eliminating The Use Of Incineration For Solid Waste Processing
To eliminate the use of incineration for solid waste processing and utilize new technologies that create jobs and reduce municipal costs. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/17)
HB 5548 - An Act Concerning The Sales and Use Taxes Imposed on Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer or Grocery Store
To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
HB 5553 - An Act Reducing the Rate of The Sales And Use Taxes
To reduce the rate of the sales and use taxes to six per cent. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
HB 5558 - An Act Concerning Mandatory Fees Charged in Connection With Consumer Goods and Services
To provide for greater transparency concerning mandatory fees charged in connection with consumer goods and services. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/21)
HB 5560 - An Act Prohibiting Certain Conduct Concerning Review of Consumer Goods And Services
To prohibit certain conduct concerning review of consumer goods and services. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/21)
HB 5566 - An Act Authorizing The Distillation Of Limited Quantities of Spirits For Personal Use
To authorize an individual to distill limited quantities of spirits for personal use. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/21)
HB 5620 - An Act Requiring The Implementation Of A Reciprocal Food Truck Vendor Permit Of License
To implement reciprocal permitting or licensing of food truck vendors that allows such vendors to operate in all municipalities in the state. Status - Referred to JC on Public Health (1/21)
HB 5626 - An Act Eliminating The Requirement That Food Protection Managers At Class 2 Food Establishments Pass A Test As Part Of A Food Protection Manager Certification Program.
To eliminate the requirement that food protection managers at class 2 food establishments satisfactorily pass a test as part of a food protection manager certification program. Status - Referred to JC on Public Health (1/21)
HB 5692 - An Act Concerning The Consumption Of Cannabis In A Motor Vehicle.
To treat the use of cannabis in a motor vehicle in the same manner as the use of alcohol in a motor vehicle is treated. Status - Referred to JC on Judiciary (1/21)
HB 5700 - An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store.
To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
HB 5703 - An Act Adjusting The Annual Increase To The Minimum Wage.
To adjust the annual increase to the minimum wage according to the percentage change in the employment cost index or not more than ten cents per hour, whichever is lower. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)
HB 5724 - An Act Concerning Medicaid Coverage For Allergy Prevention.
To invest in food allergy prevention to reduce the long-term health care costs to the state, families and the health care system for treatment of and recovery from food allergies. Status - Referred to JC on Human Services (1/21)
HB 5728 - An Act Establishing A Personal Income Tax Deduction For Tips Or Gratuities.
To establish a personal income tax deduction for the amount of tips or gratuities declared by a taxpayer for the taxable year. Status - Referred to JC on Finance Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
HB 5744 - An Act Prohibiting Mandatory Card-on-file And Automatic Payment Agreements For Consumer Goods And Services.
To prohibit mandatory card-on-file and automatic payment agreements for consumer goods and services. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/21)
HB 5754 - An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store Located In Certain Municipalities.
To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by eating establishments, caterers or grocery stores that are located in municipalities with a population of more than one hundred thousand. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
HB 5761 - An Act Eliminating The Subminimum Wage.
To eliminate the subminimum wage in the state. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)
HB 5773 - An Act Establishing A Single-payer Health Care Program In Connecticut.
To allow the state to establish a single-payer health care program that shall allow the state to negotiate health insurance coverage for any nonprofit, municipal employee and business having not more than ten employees. Status - Referred to JC on Insurance and Real Estate (1/21)
HB 5783 - An Act Authorizing Sales Of Connecticut Wines In Grocery Stores.
To authorize grocery store beer permittees to sell Connecticut wines. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/21)
HB 5793 - An Act Concerning The Reporting Of Newly Hired Employees To The Labor Department.
To streamline administrative reporting for employers who employ seasonal employees. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)
HB 5794 - An Act Concerning The Amount Of Wages An Employer Must Pay To Be Subject To The Provisions Of The Unemployment Compensation Act.
To lower operating costs for small businesses in the state by adjusting the amount of wages an employer must pay in order to be subject to the provisions of the Unemployment Compensation Act. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)
HB 5852 - An Act Concerning Farm To School And Enhancements To The Local Food For Schools Incentive Program.
To clarify agency roles and provide funds for the CT Grown for CT Kids Grant Program and administration of the local food for schools incentive program. Status - Referred to JC on Education (1/22)
HB 5864 - An Act Concerning Safe And Healthy School Meals.
To require more school meal options for students with broader allergies and autoimmune diseases to address current nutritional gaps. Status - Referred to JC on Education (1/22)
HB 5869 - An Act Prohibiting Food Products In School Cafeterias That Contain Certain Dyes And Colorants.
To prohibit public schools from offering food products that contain certain dyes and colorants. Status - Referred to JC on Education (1/22)
HB 5900 - An Act Prohibiting The Cultivation Of Octopus For Human Consumption And The Use Of Octopus For Entertainment Purposes.
To prohibit the farming of octopus for human consumption and the use of octopus for entertainment purposes. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/22)
HB 5907 - An Act Prohibiting The Application Of Pesticides To Organic Foods.
To prohibit the application of pesticides to organic foods. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/22)
HB 5914 - An Act Repealing The Prohibition On Single-use Plastic Bags And Prohibiting The Use Of PFAS In Paper Straws.
To repeal the single-use plastic bag ban and prohibit the use of PFAS in paper straws. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/22)
HB 5917 - An Act Requiring The Recycling Of Food Scraps And The Development Of Food Donation Plans By Certain Commercial Food Wholesalers, Distributors, Supermarkets, Institutions, Resorts And Conference Centers.
To provide for the diversion of food scraps and surplus foods from the solid waste stream. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/22)
HB 5964 - An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store.
To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
HB 5967 - An Act Dedicating A Portion Of The Revenue Generated From Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store To Certain Purposes.
To require a percentage of the revenue generated from the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store to be used for certain purposes. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
HB 5972 - An Act Concerning Taxpayers With Declared Tip Income Over A Certain Threshold.
To require taxpayers who file a return with declared tip income over one hundred thousand dollars to register with the Department of Revenue Services and require such taxpayers, if the federal government excludes tips as taxable wages or implements a reduced income tax rate on tips, to pay to the state the amount of tax forgiven by the federal government. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
HB 5975 - An Act Establishing A Personal Income Tax Deduction For Tips Or Gratuities.
To establish a personal income tax deduction for the amount of tips or gratuities declared by a taxpayer for the taxable year. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
HB 5990 - An Act Concerning Interchange Fees On Electronic Payment Transactions.
To prohibit payment card networks from including sales and use taxes in the amount on which interchange fees are imposed. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
HB 5994 - An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store.
To provide that the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store be distributed to the municipalities in which the revenue was generated. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
HB 5997 - An Act Authorizing Bonds Of The State For A Culinary Arts Center At Robert E. Fitch High School In The Town Of Groton.
To provide funding for a culinary arts center at Robert E. Fitch High School in the town of Groton. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
HB 6056 - An Act Concerning The Establishment Of Cannabis Cafes And Restaurants Offering Cannabis-infused Food Items, Beverages And Other Products.
To permit the establishment of cannabis cafes and restaurants offering cannabis-infused food items, beverages and other products. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/22)
HB 6057 - An Act Concerning Credit Card Fees And Surcharges.
To authorize businesses to require consumers to bear the cost of credit card fees and surcharges. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/22)
HB 6059 - An Act Concerning Alcoholic Liquor Permits And Tobacco Bars.
To (1) reduce the minimum municipal population requirement for tobacco bars from eighty thousand to forty thousand, and (2) reduce the square footage requirements applicable to tobacco bars by fifty per cent. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/22)
HB 6063 - An Act Authorizing Businesses To Charge Consumers For The Actual Cost Of Credit Card Fees.
To allow businesses to charge consumers for the actual amount of credit card fees charged to businesses for purchases made by consumers. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/22)
HB 6089 - An Act Reducing Barriers To Food Security.
To enhance access to nutritious food, support local economies and reduce barriers to food security in Connecticut. Status - Referred to to JC on Human Services (1/22)
HB 6148 - An Act Allowing Nonprofits To Participate In Association Health Plans.
To allow nonprofits to participate in association health plans. Status - Referred to JC on Insurance and Real Estate (1/22)
HB 6149 - An Act Concerning Credit Card Skimming.
To protect consumers from identity theft associated with credit card skimming. Status - Referred to JC on Judiciary (1/22)
HB 6214 - An Act Authorizing Butcher Shops To Process Farmer-owned And Usda-inspected Livestock.
To address the backlog of processing farmer livestock. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/23)
HB 6225 - An Act Establishing Extended Producer Responsibility For Packaging Products.
To establish extended producer responsibility for packaging products. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/23)
HB 6229 - An Act Concerning A Reduction Of Single-use Plastics And Polystyrene Waste.
To reduce the production of single-use plastics and polystyrene waste in the state. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/23)
HB 6230 - An Act Concerning The Ct Grown For Ct Kids Program.
To expand the CT Grown for CT Kids farm-to-school program. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/23)
HB 6246 - An Act Requiring The Recycling Of Food Waste.
To create a market for food waste and reduce costs associated with sending food waste out of state for landfilling. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/23)
HB 6262 - An Act Requiring Reverse Vending Machines To Accept All Refund-eligible Beverage Containers.
To encourage and increase beverage container redemption rates by providing convenience for consumers. Status - Referred to JC on Environment (1/23)
HB 6316 - An Act Establishing A Fee On Retail Delivery Service To Fund Bus Public Transportation Fare Reductions.
To establish a fee on certain retail deliveries and dedicate the revenue from such fee to reducing the fare for bus public transportation. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/23)
HB 6404 - An Act Increasing The Number Of Wage And Hour Investigators At The Labor Department.
To increase the number of wage and hour investigators employed at the Labor Department. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/23)
HB 6416 - An Act Concerning The Minimum Wage Rate For Persons Under The Age Of Eighteen Years.
To reduce the minimum wage rate for persons under the age of eighteen years and eliminate the ninety-day limitation of such minimum wage rate. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/23)
HB 6460 - An Act Concerning Interchange Fees On Electronic Payment Transactions.
To prohibit payment card networks from including sales and use taxes in the amount on which interchange fees are imposed. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/24)
HB 6482 - An Act Prohibiting Liquor Sales In Retailers That Sell Food Or Candy.
To provide that no retailer that sells food or candy shall be permitted to sell alcoholic liquor. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/24)
HB 6483 - An Act Prohibiting Sales Of Certain Processed Food Products.
To provide that no retailer shall sell any processed food product in this state if retail sales of such processed food product are prohibited in Canada or the European Union. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/24)
HB 6485 - An Act Requiring Digital Age Verification By Package Store Permittees.
To provide that a package store permittee shall digitally verify any identification presented by a consumer in order to ensure that such consumer is twenty-one years of age or older. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/24)
HB 6493 - An Act Requiring Owners Of Short-term Rentals To Register In A State-Wide Registry And Pay A Tax On Units That Are Not Owner-occupied.
To require the owner of a short-term rental unit to register in a state-wide registry and pay a tax on such units that are not owner-occupied. Status - Referred to JC on Housing (1/24)
HB 6517 - An Act Concerning Disclosures Of Salary Ranges On Public And Internal Job Postings.
To amend current law on salary transparency by requiring employers to disclose salary ranges on public and internal job postings. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/24)
HB 6518 - An Act Concerning Employers' Chargeability For Unemployment Benefits.
To make only an employee's most recent employer chargeable for unemployment benefit payments. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/24)
HB 6519 - An Act Reducing The Employee Contribution For The Paid Family And Medical Leave Insurance Program.
To reduce the percentage of an employee's subject earnings an employee must contribute to the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Trust Fund. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/24)
HB 6658 - An Act Concerning The Requirement That Food Service Establishments Utilize A Carbon Dioxide Alarm.
To eliminate the requirement that a food service establishment utilize a carbon dioxide alarm. Status - Referred to JC on Public Safety and Security (1/24)
HB 6781 - An Act Concerning A Study of Ground Floor Commercial Property Vacancies.
To require the Department of Economic and Community Development to conduct a study and make recommendations regarding ground floor commercial property vacancies in the state, including, but not limited to ways to fill such vacant properties with retail stores, restaurants and small businesses that reflect community diversity. Status - Referred to JC on Commerce (1/29)
HB 6785 - An Act Establishing A Revolving Loan Fund To Assist In Developing Commercial Storefronts.
To establish a revolving loan fund to assist in developing commercial storefronts. Status - Referred to JC on Commerce (1/29
HB 6808 - An Act Prohibiting Certain Food Additives.
To prohibit certain food additives. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/29)
HB 6820 - An Act Concerning Per Diem Employees.
To require certain per diem employees receive the same rate of pay as other part-time and full-time employees. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/29)
HB 6843 - An Act Concerning The Number of Wage And Hour Investigators At The Labor Department.
To increase the number of wage and hour investigators employed by the Labor Department. Status - LAB Public Hearing: Thu 2/6 10:00 AM @ Room 2B and Zoom and Youtube Live (1/31)
SB 2: An Act Concerning Artificial Intelligence
To protect consumers in this state from the risks of algorithmic discrimination and unfair treatment posed by artificial intelligence. Status - Vote to Draft (1/22)
SB 8: An Act Concerning Protections For Workers And Enhancements To Workers' Rights
To protect workers' rights. Status - Vote to Draft (1/14)
SB 23: An Act Concerning Funding For The Greater Mystic Chamber Of Commerce
To fund the Chamber of Commerce in Mystic. Status - Referred to JC on Appropriations (1/8)
SB 109: An Act Dedicating The Additional Sales Tax On Meals To Certain Purposes
To dedicate the revenue generated from the additional one per cent of sales tax on meals to the Tourism Fund, to the municipalities to which the purchases of the meals are sourced and to initiatives to address food insecurity in the state. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue, and Bonding (1/8)
SB 147: An Act Prohibiting The Manufacture, Distribution, Delivery Or Sale Of Foods Containing Certain Additives.
To prohibit the manufacture, distribution, delivery or sale of foods containing certain additives. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/8)
SB 154 - An Act Concerning Cottage Food Operations.
To authorize cottage food operations to sell their products at certain farm stores and cafes. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/8)
SB 229: An Act Authorizing Municipalities To Impose Certain Excise Taxes.
To authorize municipalities to impose excise taxes on occupancy, event venue rentals, and meals and beverages. Status - Change of Reference, House to Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
SB 354 - An Act Eliminating Prohibitions On Noncompete Agreements.
To eliminate existing prohibitions on noncompete provisions in private employment contracts. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/9)
SB 356 - An Act Concerning Documentation For The Use Of Paid Sick Leave.
To allow employers to require documentation that an employee's use of paid sick leave is being taken for a permitted purpose. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/9)
SB 359 - An Act Concerning The Employment Of Minors At Least Sixteen Years Of Age In Certain Occupations.
To expand the scope of work that minors sixteen and seventeen years of age can be employed or permitted to work in. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/9)
SB 432 - An Act Concerning Representations Made By Food Service Establishments Regarding The Freshness Of Food Items And Food Ingredients.
To require restaurants and other food service establishments to accurately represent whether food items and food ingredients are "fresh". Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/10)
SB 437 - An Act Prohibiting The Sale Of Food Products Containing Certain Food Additives.
To prohibit the sale of food products containing certain food additives. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/10)
SB 513 - An Act Requiring Grocery Stores To Automatically Apply Digital Coupons For Certain Consumers.
To require grocery stores to automatically apply certain digital coupons on behalf of senior citizens and members of certain loyalty or rewards programs. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/13)
SB 522 - An Act Concerning State Agency Interpretation Of Statutes And The Regulations Authorized And Adopted Under Such Statutes.
To afford proper deference to a state agency's interpretation of an ambiguous statute provided the agency's interpretation of the statute is reasonable. Status - Referred to JC on Judiciary (1/13)
SB 623 - An Act Eliminating The Requirement That Employers Provide Paid Sick Leave In The Event Of Closure By Order Of A Public Official.
To eliminate the requirement that employers provide paid sick leave to employees in the event of closure by order of a public official. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/15)
SB 625 - An Act Defining "day" For Purposes Of The Paid Sick Leave Statutes.
To define "day" as eight hours worked by an employee for purposes of the paid sick leave statutes. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/15)
SB 651 - An Act Exempting Overtime Income From The Personal Income Tax.
To exempt from the personal income tax the amount of any overtime income earned by an employee. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/16)
SB 670 - An Act Requiring The Department Of Consumer Protection To Establish A Single Uniform Business Permit And License Application.
To require the Department of Consumer Protection to establish a single uniform business permit and license application without modifying any fee or cost currently imposed for a business permit, license or any application required therefor. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/16)
SB 739 - An Act Concerning The Distribution Of The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store.
To provide that the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store be distributed to the municipalities in which the revenue was generated. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/17)
SB 789 - An Act Concerning An Optional Payroll Expense Tax.
To establish an optional payroll expense tax. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
SB 793 - An Act Increasing The Dues Tax Exemption Threshold For Club Dues And Initiation Fees.
To increase the dues tax exemption threshold for annual club member dues and club initiation fees from one hundred dollars to two hundred fifty dollars. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
SB 795 - An Act Concerning The Establishment Of And Bonding For A Program To Address Food Insecurity.
To establish and fund a program within the Department of Social Services to address food insecurity. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)
SB 828 - An Act Establishing A Working Group To Examine The Workers' Compensation Program.
To provide recommendations to improve the workers' compensation program in the state. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)
SB 829 - An Act Concerning Pre And Post Shift Hours.
To include security screenings required by an employer in the definition of "hours worked" for purposes of chapter 558 of the general statutes. Status - Vote to Draft (1/28)
SB 830 - An Act Establishing Safety Standards To Prevent Heat-related Illness In Workplaces.
To create safety standards to prevent employee exposure to the risk of heat-related illness. Status - Vote to Draft (1/28)
SB 831 - An Act Concerning Advanced Notice Of An Employee's Work Schedule To Certain Employees.
To require employers to provide advance notice to certain employees of such employees' work schedule and work schedule changes and create a cause of action for violations of advance notice requirements. Status - Vote to Draft (1/28)
SB 887 - An Act Exempting Certain Cookware From PFAS Requirements.
To exempt certain cookware from the statutory PFAS requirements applicable to consumer goods. Status - Vote to Draft (1/24)
SB 904 - An Act Reducing The Rate Of The Sales And Use Taxes.
To reduce the rate of the sales and use taxes. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
SB 921 - An Act Imposing A Tax On Sugar-sweetened Beverages And Dedicating The Revenue Generated To Fund School Breakfast And Lunch Programs.
To impose a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages and dedicate the revenue generated from such tax to provide breakfast and lunch at no cost to all students, regardless of family income. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
SB 931 - An Act Dedicating A Portion Of The Revenue Generated From Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store To The Tourism Fund.
To require a percentage of the revenue generated from the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store be deposited in the Tourism Fund to support the hospitality, arts, culture and tourism needs of the state. Status - Referred to JC on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)
SB 965 - An Act Prohibiting Required Presentation Of Printed Receipts As Proof Of Purchase Of Consumer Goods And Services.
To provide that no person doing business in this state shall require a consumer to present a printed receipt as proof of purchase of any consumer good or service. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/22)
SB 966 - An Act Requiring Hotels And Short-term Rental Operators To Disclose The Total Cost Of Occupancy To Consumers Prior To Purchase.
To require hotel and short-term rental operators to disclose the total cost of occupancy, including all fees imposed for such occupancy, prior to purchase. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/22)
SB 968 - An Act Prohibiting Commercial Activities Involving Food Products That Contain Certain Food Additives.
To prohibit commercial activities involving food products that contain certain food additives. Status - Referred to JC on General Law (1/22)
SB 1031 - An Act Establishing A Full Employment Trust Fund.
To create a Full Employment Trust Fund to be administered by the Labor Department. Status - Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing (1/28)
SB 1032 - An Act Expanding Paid Family And Medical Leave To All Employees.
To expand the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program to include all employees, including those under collective bargaining agreements. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/22)
SB 1034 - An Act Concerning Employee Exposure To The Risk Of Heat Illness.
To protect workers from exposure to the risk of heat illness. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/22)
SB 1102 - An Act Establishing a Connecticut Diner Trail
To promote diners throughout the state. Status - Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing (1/30)
SB 1113 - An Act Concerning Workforce Development Initiatives In The State.
To study workforce development initiatives in the state. Status - HED Public Hearing: Thu 1/30 10:00 AM @ Room 2A and Zoom and Youtube Live (1/24)
SB 1130 - An Act Concerning Intentional Misrepresentation Of A Dog As A Service Animal To Gain Accommodations.
To uphold the integrity of service animal protections under the ADA, discourage fraudulent behavior and ensure that individuals who rely on trained service animals for disabilities are not hindered or endangered by the misrepresentation of unqualified animals. Status - Referred to JC on Judiciary (1/23)
SB 1149 - An Act Increasing The Penalty For Operating A Motor Vehicle While Under The Influence Of Intoxicating Liquor Or Any Drug.
To increase the penalty for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug. Status - Referred to JC on Transportation (1/23)
SB 1178 - An Act Establishing A Central Internet Web Site For State Resources Available to Small Businesses.
To establish a central Internet web site containing information regarding the state's resources available to small businesses. Status - Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing (1/30)
SB 1223 - An Act Concerning Paid Prenatal Leave.
To require employers to provide twenty hours of paid leave for pregnancy-related health care. Status - Referred to JC on Labor and Public Employees (1/30)
The introduction of a bill does not guarantee its passage, and we will provide updates as needed. Should any of these bills progress through the legislative process, we will provide timely updates and additional information to keep you informed and notify you if action is required from our members.