There is no application process as the DECD is working with DRS to finalize eligibility. Checks will be distributed directly to those businesses before the end of the year.
“We’re very thankful to Governor Lamont, Commissioner David Lehman, and Chief of Staff Paul Mounds for their partnership in getting to this point. Our association has been advocating for additional funding since September, and the Governor and his team have kept an open door throughout, fully recognizing the damage done to our industry. We’re also very grateful to the many state legislators who put forward plans and calls to action in recent days and weeks, as their efforts helped keep the conversation moving toward action and a positive outcome,” said CRA Executive Director Scott Dolch.
Click HERE to read the media statement from Scott Dolch.
The CRA will be hosting an industry update webinar on Wednesday, December 23rd at 10AM to provide further details about the state grants and the recently announced federal stimulus package. Register for the webinar